Color by Number Activity

This color by number activity is none like any other. It will get your students up, active, and engaged. I love any activity that gets my students around the room. The excitement and the joy that I see from their faces brings me true happiness.

How to Set Up

Well, how do you do this activity?

  1. Cut the Crayon Color Cards
  2. Display Them Around the Room
  3. Have Students Go Around the Room to Match their Color with the Number
  4. Color

Multiple Versions

When I did this activity with my kindergartners, I had so many students at different levels. That’s why I decided that I needed something that can help my developing learners as well as challenge my higher learners. You can incorporate this however you want. I decided that I wanted it to be a little different where it could somehow reach all of my learners in the classroom.

Color by Number Activity Page

Version 1

Version 1 is your typical color by number activity especially for those who don’t want to get out of their seats or you want them to sit quietly doing their activity at their desk.

Version 2

Version 2 only consists of numbers. Well what number matches with what color?Display your colors on the board or cut them out and place them around the room. Have your students figure out what color matches with what number.

Version 3

Version 3 is a little more challenging. I like to challenge my students to see who knows their numbers in order and find the matching color with the correct number. The first one is done for them to show an example on how to do it.

Crayon Cards

Hopefully to not confuse you, the crayon cards are also differentiated.

Depending on how you want to challenge or accommodate to your student’s needs, I made multiple representations of these cards that will get displayed when doing this activity. I suggest displaying one set of crayon cards at a time. One set consists of color cards with words, another is a set of black and white color cards with words, and color cards with no words.

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